SMART BUTTON and Semantic Marker® Messaging (EU® Japan® others)
Click on headers to expand or contract that section. Send messages to your devices. And create SMART Buttons.
Click on headers to expand or contract sections
1. Messages
Message sent to your agents over MQTT
List of your devices which the messages below use as addresses--ALL-- sends to all your devices. Otherwise sent to specific name NO_ONE is good for message testing (No operations happen)
2.0 Commands to your Device
Send commands to your device(s). Select the command using the pulldown.
Send commands as a guest to your device(s). Select the command using the pulldown.
Send commands to your device(s) using on/off flag
autoMotorDirection is
Select type of feeder:UNO is 16, Tumbler is taller
Help us set a Guiness World Record. Record your location (city, state, country, GPS if you want)
2.1 Timer Commands to your device
2.2 Device Names and Guest Passwords managed by your Agent (bot)
Note: these are not sent to the devices, just to your agent bot.
The DeviceName pulldown will change on refresh.
2.3 Manage Actual Device
Note: these are messages sent directly to the devices in the above pulldown (without your agent(bot) knowing).
There is a seperate step previously (just above) called "Device Names Managed by your agent" to inform your agent(bot).
* inwork
2.5 GROUP Messaging
Manages sending messages to specific message groups, which allows for multiple different users accounts to share feed and status commands.
Since many commands need a device name, you can add them below - or add the name to your own devices, and use any of the commands throughout this website.
2.6 OTA Over the Air Updates
2.6.1 Revert to MAIN OTA
2.6.2 QA OTA Test Updates
2.6.3 DEV OTA Test Updates
2.7 Connect to Access Point (AP) - wifi
2.8 USER and GROUP Account Setup
Some of following messages are system token (password) protected so ask your administrator at PetTutor or iDogWatch for updates. Others are for the user to update your agent.
3. M5 Specific Commands
Message mostly managing the M5 Display or functions the M5 smart clicker manages with the other IoT devices
SMART Button IoT Recording via Semantic Marker® Flows
Invokes (Runs) the Semantic Marker® in a new Web Page
Semantic Marker® SMART Button
SMART Button Name
SMART Category
My SM Address
Full Semantic Marker®
QRAvatar URL
Is Circular QRAvatar
SMART Deck Links
SMART Buttons
Inherited SM Address
Next Flow URL
Flow Date
Is Private
Is Indirect SM
Indirect SM Link
Location of SM in world
Audio SM Address
Is Data
Data SM Address
Artifacts SM Address
VideoSM Address
Knowledge Shark Matrix
Knowledge Shark Wave Address
Future Text Area
Language Translations
SMART Messaging
Bridge MQTT Topic Info
4.1 Current Semantic Marker® SMART Flows
4.2 Semantic Marker® Matrix
Matrix of SMART Buttons that speak and trigger Internet of Thing Devices. Use the SMART Flows to select SMART Buttons.
4.3 CONE TREE SemanticMarker® Creation
4.4 DOCFOLLOW SemanticMarker® Example Messages
5.0 Semantic Marker® Creation
Create your own Semantic Marker® for feeding any of your named devices.
if device is --ALL- then it's /feeedguest/pass/guestpass but if specific name then /feedguestdevice/pass/guestpass/dev
Provide a URL of an image, and that will be used inside your SemanticMarker®
This will also be your guest feed so your main password is protected.
NOTE: if the GuestPassword is chosen above, then that will be the guest password used.